Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nice to be back

I just want to blog about how much I like using the COPY stamp. It's so fun. My friend Chris really has the right idea...he uses a stamp for "signing" everything. It's so simple! Genius! It makes you feel powerful, like a librarian. In other news, I wish that my Outlook were working. I can't send emails or do anything to procrastinate. I wish that Kerre or Jason would email me or talk to me on Google IM. I wish that my stupid bowl of ethnic food hadn't blow into me today. You can't see the stain anymore but now my armpit area smells like soul food. All I want to do is watch the Kittens Inspired by Kittens YouTube video and LMAO but I am stuck at work. Wow I just received an email. I guess Outlook is working and my friends are just ignoring me. How has nobody emailed me in like 2+ hours? Why is YouTube not Utube? It just seems it would be since it presumably was created by the generation who brought us the text message. God I'm tired. I feel like my face is slowly drooping off my skull. There's a spot under my desk where I could conceivably curl up and nap but it's not gonna happen because people work. Well, not if you're my friend Amber. So jealous of her! She never has to work! What I would give for a few weeks of that. But then I'd crawl back, tail between my legs because I get bored. Which is why I'm writing this blog. Oh and I would also like to vent about people who don't respond to emails or give you definitve yesses and nos. And how is it possible that a college won't accommodate visiting students who want to speak to somebody in fashion design? What is that? Do we not ever go the extra mile anymore nowadays people? Later!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Please unblock my blog! I've been thinking about blogging for years now and I finally get the guts/time and it's blocked! I never even got to make my first post sonow I'm doing it because i don't feel like making phone calls at work. Clearly. Right now I'm looking forward to my cousin's wedding tomorrow and regretting the fact that I rently ate a muffin the size of a whiffle ball. Talk about bloated cramming into a form-fitting bridesmaid dress that teeters between hot and heinous as all of them do. Not a good idea, Mic. I am supposed to like starve myself the day before but no. I had to have a muffin AND we're having PIZZA at the rehearsal dinner tonight. Freaking great. I just hope my bewbs stick out farther than my belly. That is all a girl can ask for really. Cept I have tiny tatas and a gut with a muffin portruding. Blarg.

I also want to note that my profile pic is so, um, gay (in the joyous way) because it's sort of an inside joke. All those things (my delightful yellow coat not pictured) make me...happy when I'm down so I put them on there. They are like instant happy when I'm stressed or cranky! Yes, even the kid with a disability because while he isn't so happy not being able to walk and all, I am because I want to work with kids like that! Well, college kids like that but you get the idea. So don't judge and think I'm some overly Christian sweetiepie. I just like kittehs and spiral staircases for chrissakes.

Sigh. Hopefully I'll be back!